1 definition by Santa 7

The animated band of 2000. Years of great accomplishments in hip-hop from the raping to gospel and all around the world. Their music covers all parts of the world with culture diversity. Although only making one True album they had great success but only hit big once. Later on in 2003 the bands main singer 2-D aka Damon Alburn quit the band and went back to his original band Blur. Eventually the Gorillaz released the completion Phase One: Celebrity Take down gave them the last of their making. In a couple of moths the band broke away and lost contact of each other and left their website and fan site dead. Never again to break the silence, the Gorillaz were no more.
Makers of the hits 19/2000, Clint Eastwood, and Rock The House
"The Future Is Comeing On"
by Santa 7 July 1, 2004
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