5 definitions by Ryan d

Baseball is a sport which I know and love. Anyone who can take the time and learn every aspect of this amazing sport is high on my list. It takes cunning, skill, determination, speed (especially), and persistance to do well and have fun. But winning is nice too.
by Ryan d April 30, 2005
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A word you say in anger or excitement when you cannot think of any other word.
Boobashlacka! That was my last skittle!
by Ryan d May 1, 2005
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A) A word you yell when you are angry and at the same time you want to sound cool. You know, people might think it is another language.

B) The name of a gorilla at the Little Rock Zoo. (I named it)
A) Nashnavikno! I am tired of you and your studip self.

B) Hey look Nashnavikno is waving.
by Ryan d May 1, 2005
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The act of urinateing in someones drink followed by farting into it thru the straw for carbonation
She was being a real karen so when she left her starbucks drink unatended i gave it the ol soda stream
by Ryan d December 25, 2020
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