2 definitions by Ryan Coconut

The amount for time that passes when you're high that feels like it has only been a minute. Usually 2 real hours are about 5 marijuana minutes.
Stoner 1: Fuck dude. How long have we just been sitting here?

Stoner 2: I don't know man. It feels like 10 minutes but it's been like 3 hours. We must be running on marijuana minutes.
by Ryan Coconut October 26, 2009
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when you eat so much junk food/ drink so much beer during the Super Bowl that you have a bowel movement equivalent to nuclear diarrhea
Dad: Son, where have you been? You missed Bruce Springsteen!

Son: Shit! It cause I drank too much and got the Super Bowels during the second quarter!
by Ryan Coconut February 2, 2009
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