3 definitions by Robert McBlankington

"Totally Accurate Battlegrounds is a game made by God Himself, during a drunken coding rampage in the Unity game engine before being swiftly abandoned due to excessive mic-spam from the goddamn French" -TheRussianBadger, November 24, 2020, on his experience playing TABG.
"TABG is so fuckin stupid bro."
"Then why do you keep playing it?"
by Robert McBlankington May 4, 2022
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An upbeat song written by Foster The People, with dark lyrics addressing the mental health of those in less fortunate circumstances; example being kids living with divorced or abusive parents.
Person 1: bro, have you ever really thought about what Pumped up Kicks is about?

Person 2: isn’t it about a kid with mental health problems?

Person 1: yeah, that’s what it’s about.
by Robert McBlankington October 20, 2020
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A bot used on Discord to create “tuppers” which will proxy a message as the registered Tupper. It has two main uses
1.) As a RP bot, due to the ease of creating of new Tuppers.

2.) As an Accessibility Bot for people with Multiple Personality Disorder
Many people use it in roleplay to send messages as a Tupper, often by typing a prefix followed by the message to be proxied. (Often like “TestPrefix: message”)
It has a Plural-Oriented Variant named PluralKit, which is often confused with Tupperbox.

Often, due to the amount of users, Tupperbox will crash, which often results in the Support Discord being flooded with confused/angry Roleplayers.
StarMan69: Chris: lmao gimme the bat
StarMan69: wait is Tupperbox down?
Mr_____: yea it is. it should be back in about 15 minutes

StarMan69: damn
by Robert McBlankington July 9, 2021
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