1 definition by Robberto RRambo

The frequently used acronym T.V.B. has multiple meanings in spoken Italian language.

The most widely seen T.V.B. meaning is "Ti voglio bene", which in English can be translated as "I like you".

Among other various meanings of the Acronym a noteworthy is "Ti vedo bastardo", which in English can be translated with the colloquial rap slang phrase "I see you homie."

The acronym originates from the sms text era, from which it began gaining popoularity among italian teenagers.
E.g. as "I like you":

You are such a friend of mine, thanks for the help T.V.B..

E.g. as "I see you homie":
Yo dude thanks for the props, T.V.B..
by Robberto RRambo March 24, 2014
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