1 definition by Real skinny and sane

A bullshit website run by failures who couldn’t make it in the modeling industry, run by insane grown women who like to cosplay as naturally skinny, when they really aren’t
A naturally skinny woman would never engage in this pathetic behavior, a naturally skinny person has a healthy relationship with food and doesn’t waste time obsessing over other people’s weight.
They are all crazy from running on low fuel all the time, but a true naturally thin woman doesn’t idolize being thin, she sees her skinnyness as any other part of her appearance and doesn’t make it her entire personality.
If a celebrity or model is their ideal SG body type, they often still find something to criticize about how tired and run down they look, because realistically they know their ideal requires being malnourished and not a natural state.
Most real skinny women will laugh at this site and all the members who are pretending to be one of us, but they will never be one of us because they have a mental disease and we don’t.
True natural skinny: I love my collar bones and hip bones, but my weight is not my entire personality, since I’ve naturally looked like this my entire life it’s not something special to me.

Fake skinny, aka a Skinny Gossip member: What?! I can’t believe you, controlling my unhealthy relationship with food and checking my wrists and arm size daily is the only thing I look forward to every morning. Besides laughing at models who are thinner than me, of course. I’m delusional enough to call THEM fat.
by Real skinny and sane May 5, 2023
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