1 definition by Real Dude

A Masculine name. Also can be nicknamed Gus or Guga. Usually from South America with Italian roots. Usually has a big heart and is short. He is caring, loving, and loyal. He would make the perfect boyfriend. He also is emotional and very sympathetic. A Gustavo is shy if you meet him for the first time but when you get to know him, he is himself. Also is very dedicated to his sport and has a huge motor. Usually has dirty blonde or brown hair and dark green or hazel eyes. Also he is aggressive with a lot of things especially when it comes to the chick in the bed. Or driving to the hoop and getting a basket or driving towards the goalie and scoring a goal.
Oh that kid over there that is shy must be a Gustavo.

That kid is short and aggressive, he must be a Gustavo.

His nickname is guga he must be a Gustavo.
by Real Dude December 12, 2016
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