2 definitions by Rawb Eytch

An unflushed toilet bowl, chock full of waste and paper, with the lid closed, left for the next un-suspecting user, who upon opening is then left with not only a wonderful surprise, but also the responsibility of taking care of.
Boy does it suck, when every morning I go in the bathroom and my girlfriend's left a dirty hamper in there for me.
by Rawb Eytch June 15, 2007
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When you find yourself rambling at the keyboard, typing an email that takes almost an hour because you type a paragraph, stop for a minute, go back type another paragraph and so on...

You'll know you're ramble typing when you catch yourself starting every paragraph with, "So anyways.."
Chad: "...and that's about all I've been doing lately.

So anyways, ya lately it's just been basically that; just sittin around yknow, masturbating to the home shopping network, whippin' up Digiorno's all day. Basic stuff.

But ya, pretty much just that. Not much else... So anyways,..."

Chet: Goddamn this fool's ramble typing...
by Rawb Eytch January 5, 2010
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