1 definition by Ravyn's Love

Ravyn, she is the more beautiful than the stars themselves. She fangirls way too much about even the littlest things in life. She is smart yet beautiful. Her beauty transcends everyone else and will never stop growing. She can be crazy and loud at times but very fun. If she is out with her friends she's the most beautiful person in the room and will stand out. Ravyn is a big tease to the guys and doesn't even know it half the time. She gets mad and tries to overpower you, she can succeed depending on who you are. She is very loyal to the one she loves and that will never change. She constantly wishes something better than what it is now and wants to speed up time in this world. She agrees with her friends mainly about every topic they cover together. She loves to binge watch shows over and over and over along with her love. She is a hardcore snuggler and wants to snuggle with her love more than anything. She thinks school is a waste of time if she can't be with her love. She despises creeps and people that look at her in a disgusting way. Ravyn breaks down if she is without her love for a long period of time. She can't function without her love with her for more than a single day. She loves anime especially the romantic kind because it has a lot of drama that goes into it.
Ravyn is the most beautiful person in eternity and no soul can change that. She is the sole reason people continue to go to work, school, home and live.
by Ravyn's Love December 12, 2017
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