9 definitions by Randomshit_69

A retarded fatherless kid who never touches grass. These retards spent their whole fucking days simping and worshipping a YouTuber called dream. Dream stans are cringe and retarded as fuck and are a contributing reason to why gen z is fucking doomed. They are also total snowflakes so it’s fun to piss them off.
Wow, these dream stans are so retarded, even their family left them on the streets to rot.

by Randomshit_69 July 21, 2022
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This saying is used on people who are spending their life doing dumb, cringe, or shitty things. It is told to get that person back to “reality” and go outside and get fresh air. It’s also a good reminder for anyone who’s retarded enough to never exercise to begin with.

It’s also one of the best coping methods for any person who’s addicted to tiktok cringe.
Damn, Dream Stans are so fucking retarded. They really need to touch grass.
by Randomshit_69 July 19, 2022
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