2 definitions by Randeloy smite

Similar to safe, sase is used when somebody approves of the situation and/or another persons decision.
Mark - Gonna shred lads, mums cooking spag bol
Siraj - Oi bless g, sase
by Randeloy smite June 21, 2018
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Young teens usually from London area who wear adidas tracksuits and carry their mums' kitchen knife for 'protection' against other wastemen. Usually seen late at night and often in packs, the common wasteman involves themselves in petty crime such as stealing bikes and vandalism. Usually selling drugs or taking them, every wasteman will have a list of reliable plugs for contraband and will have a plethora of numbers able to provide various narcotics around the clock. Speaking with little grammatical structure, the common wasteman has a distinctive accent which is also a method of establishing solidarity amongst fellow waste. In terms of their likely whereabouts, wastemen usually occupy public areas such as the park or outside the kebab shop. Speaking of which, the local kebab centre is commonly referred to as the wastemans' synagogue where such individuals spent a considedable amount of time, congregating with others alike. Although seen as an annoyance, the common wasteman will establish a unique bond with the local corner shop owner which is often visible through the mutual use of the title 'bossman' when communicating with one another. Although thoroughly defined, here are a few other common traits that are associated with wastemen,

- Driving cars with tinted windows
- Stealing money from parent(s)
- Buying 39p energy drinks/crisps
- Unjustifiable and non-sensical hatred for the police
-Listens to grime
- General lowlife
- Uses nokia brick
*drives past the chippy and sees a roadman with a stolen bike smoking a joint whilst drinking emerge and playing skepta off his trap phone.

Fucking wastemen
by Randeloy smite June 21, 2018
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