3 definitions by R8m8b8 yaya

Nasty and plastic based “food”, imagine if McDonald’s had a plastic parody with chemicals injected into it to make it taste more appealing at first bite but hours later your stomach hurts and you probably die from eating this garbage.
raisin canes, makes McDonald’s look like a 5 star restaurant by comparison

Raisin canes, superficially appealing but profoundly disappointing
by R8m8b8 yaya August 25, 2022
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The suggested response when someone says something that you honestly couldn’t care less about

Or when your so used to things going to shit and once a new cataclysmic event happens the only natural reaction is this “oh no, anyway…”
Girl: Oh my boyfriend just died

Me: “Oh no, anyway”

*president gets arrested and raped in prison*

Vice President: oh no, Anyway…

*something horrible occurs*

Anybody: oh no, anyway

Oh no anyway
by R8m8b8 yaya August 23, 2022
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