1 definition by R. LeBeau

The etymology of the word is traced back to 2016 U.S presidential election.

During the primary and the general election, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was beleaguered by controversy surrounding the FBI investigation of the use of her private email server. At the same time, unbeknownst to the world, candidate Trump was a target of an FBI investigation of his own involving Russia. The stark contrast between yelling “Lock her up!” at Trump rallies, and calling the legitimate investigation into Trump a “witch hunt”, became prime example of how some humans are not quite as evolved as the rest, and always choose loyalty to alpha male pack leader over loyalty to truth, thus the term “Trumpanzee” was born.

The term can be used to describe anyone who bury their head in the sand as they spread their buttcheeks and present their rectum to their alpha pack leader to show their intent that they will always choose loyalty to their master over loyalty to truth. Director of the FBI James Comey was fired in May 2017 after resisting President alpha master god Trump’s repeated demands to take off his pants and get on all fours.

In the wild, trumpanzees are typically seen wearing cowboy boots or flannel shirt, with a pinch between their lower lip and gum that makes them look like chimpanzees. They are indigenous species of trailor parks scattered across southern United States, and are considered invasive species anywhere else (especially Canada but you won’t find them in Mexico).
Wow.... I can’t believe Bob just came out of nowhere and started taking Jim’s side without even knowing what happened. It’s probably a coincidence that Jim is popular and Bob would suck his toes to be in his circle right? What a trumpanzee. I hope he gets cuckolded by Jim one day because that’s what he deserves.
by R. LeBeau May 21, 2018
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