49 definitions by R. Kemp

A "strategy" in fighting games where a person just presses buttons and moves the joystick to bust out random moves due to their lack of skill or knowledge of the game.
That Wolverine player keeps doing a M.Punch stab, jumps , and Tornado Claws. What a flailer.
by R. Kemp December 25, 2005
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Derogatory term and drawn caricature aganist black people. The illustratory represenation, made famous by minstrel shows and Stepin Fetchit, is a black person with bugged eyes and pouty red or beige lips pronounced to the point of absurdity.
Many Japanese still think of blacks in terms of the sambo image due to the influence of American cartoonists during the occupation of Japan and the way white soldiers treated black soldiers. The sambo caricature is also the illustration of choice for racist depictions of black people since the 1930s.
by R. Kemp January 5, 2006
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A euphemised term of an "infamous" surprise attack like the one at Pearl Harbor is called when the winners are the ones who did the surprise attack and write the history books.
The U.S. did a surprise missile strike at the beginning of the Iraq War known as a "decapitation attack". Shouldn't this be a day that will live in infamy as well?
by R. Kemp April 23, 2005
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British English slang. It means to mug someone.
The boys needed beer money, so they koshed an Irishman on his way to the bar.
by R. Kemp January 14, 2005
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The term used for running in platform style videogames due to the fact that nearly all of them use the B button to run.
Might be a little too fast (B-DASH!!)
Might fall into a hole (B-DASH!!)
Might crash into some turtles (B-DASH!!)
This pipe might go underground (B-DASH!!)
Might be able to breathe underwater (B-DASH!!)
Might jump over mountains too (B-DASH!!)
Might use Mario too much (B-DASH!!)
Luigi might be sulking (B-DASH!!)
by R. Kemp June 3, 2005
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A figure of speech meant to signify weakness.
An antihero does the right thing if there is an ulterior motive behind it because doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing signifies he/she has feet of clay.
by R. Kemp December 15, 2005
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