1 definition by Pugington von Unicorn Dracula

A Zimbabwean name "meaning god is with us." Anesu's are BEASTS in bed, fights, and will snatch your girl no questions asked. But Anesu's are kind, thoughtful, creative and make the best friends ever. These niggas will smash on almost ANYBODY who attempts to do ANYTHING to them. Anyone who tries to punk Anesu will get smashed on. And weather or not its a female can make the ''smash'' part different . When it comes to roasting Anesu's can either cook you alive or leave you with some light burn marks. Anesu's are the best people in the world. If Jesus came back he would be an Anesu. Gods middle name is most likely Anesu.
Guy:"yo that dude stole my, slept with m:y mom, and after I confronted him he made a diss track about me and sung it to the whole school!"
Guy 2:" Bro lets go jump him then!"
Guy:" Naw bro he's an Anesu."
Guy 2: Well R.I.P dude you are screwed
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