1 definition by Psychotic Lover

Adair is an absolutely Gorgeous Girl, and If you have an Adair in your life consider yourself extremely Lucky. Adair is a wonderful friend, and she is generally very athletic. She has her sholderlength brown hair down, and never up, and she loves Anime and Gay ships. She can usually be found cosplaying as Lance from Voltron or rejecting my love in the nicest way possible. I doubt she will ever read this sooooo.... She's obsessed with Septiplier and has the most beautiful brown eyes you'll ever see. It's like someone took chocolate and mixed it with outer space. They sparkle like they want you to look at them but they don't realize how beautiful they are. That's adairs whole demeanor. She's the.most beautiful creature alive, and I would give anything for her to love me back. I love you Adair ❤️
I love you Adair!

Nate: bruh why u like Adair so damn much.


What kind of fcking question is that idiot. She's the greatest human being aliv-
by Psychotic Lover May 14, 2019
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