1 definition by Pseudonym Sally

When the name Morley comes to mind, there is an immediate sense of admiration and appreciation for the person who possesses such a nom de pouvoir. Morleys usually speak several languages and has an exceptional ability to understand and relate to every person they meet. With a heart of gold and strength of steel, Morley's care and compassion for others is unmatched. Morley is fiercely loyal, but be careful not to abuse such support - you will not find another friend who will go to endless lengths for you as Morley will.

The depth and dexterity of Morley's mind yields incredible ideas and legendary leadership. And as powerful as Morley's mind, spirit, and soul is, Morley is as charismatic and captivating on the outside as well. A true gentleman, Morley's attractive looks and athleticism is balanced by a quiet confidence that complements his humility and team-mentality nature.

Best of all, Morley's sense of humor can elicit a laugh from the toughest crowd, putting every person in the room at ease while bringing a smile to their faces. He can bring a crowd together with his jokes, but never at anyone's expense, reflective of his sensitivity to other's feelings and exemplary of his ability to lead the most wildly different but talented group into a team that can achieve anything under his direction.
"You're friends with Morley? Lucky!"
by Pseudonym Sally March 4, 2019
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