2 definitions by Potassium Procrastinate

A venereal disease, which can be contracted from chickens. Causes inflammation of the genitals, uncontrollable clucking and pale, spheroid stools. Latin name: avius coitus.
"Hey Dave, why are you scratching your crotch?" "I got thoroughly pissed on a farm last week, and woke up in a chicken coop with a serious case of spatchcock."
by Potassium Procrastinate November 1, 2017
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To revise content that you've never seen before. Used to describe your approach to revision when you have not attended lectures for a subject, nor read the corresponding notes.
"Hey Dave, what are you up to this weekend?" " I'm still vising for my chemistry exam."
by Potassium Procrastinate November 1, 2017
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