4 definitions by Pistol

a fatty girl that is really hard to score with
I was tryin to hook up with this girl but she was being a big fat shipoopi!
by Pistol January 22, 2004
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A very bitch ass teach that loves the C@$# !!! He only teaches business managment and some other class that has to do with business.
I was in class when PEE - ARK told me to shut my mouth. What a C@$#!
by Pistol January 12, 2004
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To drain your lizzard, go #1 or pee.
Yo, I'm bout to go drizzle the lizzle.
by Pistol January 12, 2004
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The boys went down to M street Beach, it was so hot out everyone wanted to peel tarp
by Pistol July 17, 2018
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