4 definitions by Phillip(the chink master)

A nation full of potheads, crack addicts, drunken retards, etc.
CANADA is a Fizzle-nation.
by Phillip(the chink master) September 5, 2003
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Someone that gives rim jobs. A gay fucker. Too flaming to be called a flamer. Fudge packer...Gay as can be.
Mr. Friend is a dumb ass toker who thinks he's a pimp ass toker, which he isn't.
by Phillip(the chink master) September 6, 2003
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to be hacked by a hacker. Also to be dumb enough to let someone with a program into your computer.
The dumb fuck let me haxored his computer into a fine pile of mesh.
by Phillip(the chink master) September 5, 2003
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trying to have sex but can't seem to get a rise...(verb)
I was so torpeeding that I thought I was Mr. Friend for a minute there.
by Phillip(the chink master) September 5, 2003
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