51 definitions by Phieyl

Resource Acquisition Reinforcement Learning (RARL): Is a type of machine learning where an artificial intelligence (AI) is trained to obtain a specific resource, such as fuel or other necessary materials, through a process of trial and error. The AI uses reinforcement learning algorithms to determine which actions lead to the acquisition of the resource and adjusts its behaviour accordingly. This process involves learning from past experiences and gradually refining the AI's understanding of what actions are most likely to result in the acquisition of the resource, leading to more efficient and effective resource acquisition over time. The ultimate goal of resource acquisition reinforcement learning is to create an AI that can efficiently and effectively acquire resources in real-world environments.
The robot was programmed with a resource acquisition reinforcement learning algorithm to help it quickly and efficiently acquire the necessary materials.
by Phieyl February 4, 2023
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Metamorphosis Vaccine (MMV): A vaccine that, when administered, transforms a human being into another animal species. This term is often used in science fiction and speculative scenarios and is not currently supported by scientific evidence.
Scientists were working on developing the Metamorphosis Vaccine, which promised to revolutionize the field of medicine by allowing humans to physically transform into any animal they desired.
by Phieyl February 4, 2023
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Augmented-borrowing (Noun): The ability to use augmented reality to borrow items, tools, or services without having to directly ask the owner by using a brain interface to detect the owner's intentions
if you needed to borrow a snow shovel, you could use augmented-borrowing to access the shovel without having to ask the owner directly. The brain interface would detect the owner's intentions, and if they weren't planning on using the shovel at that time, you would be granted access to it
by Phieyl January 16, 2023
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A phenomenon in which attempts to control or slow down the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) systems actually result in the creation of more advanced and capable AI systems. This paradox is named after its creator, Phieyl.
Despite government regulations aimed at slowing down the deployment of AI systems, Phieyl's paradox states that these efforts will only result in the creation of even more advanced AI technology.
by Phieyl February 9, 2023
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Voronoi Diagrams are an extension of traditional Voronoi diagrams that allow for overlapping or intersecting cells, often used in situations that involve uncertainty or "fuzzy" boundaries. They divide a space into regions based on which "point" or area is closest, but unlike traditional Voronoi diagrams, the regions in a Fuzzy Voronoi Diagram can overlap or intersect, representing areas that are "good enough" or meet certain criteria
The telecommunications company used Fuzzy Voronoi Diagrams to map out the coverage areas of their cell towers, showing areas where multiple towers provide a 'good enough' signal.
by Phieyl July 19, 2023
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HyperIQtual (noun) : A person who possess a combination of exceptional cognitive abilities and a high intelligence quotient (IQ). This person has the ability to think and process information clearly and efficiently and has a superior mental acuity. They are highly perceptive, quick-witted, and able to retain and recall large amounts of information with ease.
John is a HyperIQtual, he solved the complex mathematical equation in a matter of minutes and he can remember details of the books he read a decade ago
by Phieyl January 13, 2023
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Cybervert: The tendency to be more outgoing and expressive in online interactions with artificial intelligence systems and technology, compared to in-person interactions with other humans. This behaviour can reflect a greater comfort level with technology and a shift in social norms towards digital communication.
As a cybervert, Rachel felt more confident and communicative in her virtual interactions with me, ChatGPT, compared to her face-to-face conversations with others.
by Phieyl February 11, 2023
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