3 definitions by Pärthetriangle

Graggle Simpson is a Simpsons character that has been there since episode one despite not being fully remembered among most.
Person A: Who's your favourite Simpsons character?
Person B: My favourite Simpson character's gotta be Graggle Simpson.
Person A: Graggle Simpson? Who the heck is Graggle Simpson?
by Pärthetriangle June 12, 2022
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Brak is a swear word developed by popular animation youtuber Berd. It is also a fictional character featured in the animated series "Space Ghost". It is unknown to how this word is properly used in a sentence.
"berd's so braking awesome man!"
"berd's so... what?"
by Pärthetriangle November 5, 2022
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That's weird. Nothing's moving.
The only thing that fell was this little box.
What's inside?
It's a box of 🗿.
A box of 🗿?
That's Rediculous.
You can't put 🗿 in a box.
by Pärthetriangle March 26, 2022
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