3 definitions by Otto Malpense

A man blessed with a giant horse cock and a smile to match. Has glutes that could crack a coconut, if his amazing sense of humor doesn't first. Is a good listener and always offers his broad shoulders for women to cry on. Disrupts gravity with all the panties and bras that fall near him
Ever since that nigga hit the gym and got pussy, he's been a real Arvis
by Otto Malpense November 23, 2021
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Fresh, drippy, a synonym for being attractive and clean.
The shit that dude wears is Danky yo!
by Otto Malpense March 11, 2022
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Getting a handjob while turning righty tighty, then Lefty loosey
Man, last night my girl gave me a North Carolina Screwdriver.
by Otto Malpense March 7, 2022
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