1 definition by Oscar Sanchez

Marilyn Manson. A.K.A Brian Warner
was born on January 5, 1969
His real name is Brian Warner.(no shit)
He's liked by many and hated by 95% of the Christian commuinty.
What pisses me off is those dudes who go "OmG LiEk MaRiLyN MaNsOn Is TeH RaWk"
Anyways,Marilyn Manosn is a very intelligent individual and is a certified painter.

He is known for his contreversial topics.I personally believe it's just a stage persona. There are protests at almost all of his shows. I respect him as an artist and like a couple of his song's. His band's current album is their Greatest Hit compilation named :Lest We Forget.
Marilyn Manson Says...
"I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference."
by Oscar Sanchez August 19, 2005
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