17 definitions by Old man withers

A brass knuckle and knife combination weapon. The Knife is built into the brass knuckle and may or may not be extended during the use of the weapon.
"That vicious motherfucker has a Knuckle Duster in each pocket; some one is going to get fucked up"
by Old man withers August 16, 2006
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A meal created by the mythical giant Meneghin that is made from random spices and whatever you have in your cupboard. Even though the meal seems improvised and fast, a meneghin meal some how turns out tasting great and filling you up due to its usually massive size and secret spice combinations.
"I never thought I would say this, but my munchies got completely destroyed by that Meneghin Meal"
by Old man withers August 16, 2006
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1. Someone who is very ugly and smells like a someone took a shit in their pockets. A famous sewer lobster is a boy named Wax from Croswell.

2. A Lobster that somehow wound up in a sewer system
"That kid looks like some kind of sewer lobster"
by Old man withers November 11, 2006
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