2 definitions by Notorious P.A.T.

of or pertaining to an action resembling wafflestomping. Have you ever seen the movie 'the perfect storm'? Have you ever been to the wafflehouse? It is similar to a combination of those two things.
You better chicky-check yourself before i get all wafflestompish on you.
by Notorious P.A.T. December 11, 2008
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1) Towards the end of the movie "Tropic Thunder" when Ben Stiller's Character, Tugg Speedman, tosses a baby named Half-Squat.

2) A throw or toss that is ridiculously short, like coming from the end of a baby's arm
Hellen Keller: The pong-championship rests on this throw, bradah
Kindig: Umph
Hellen Keller: OMG...that baby toss was shorter than my dick.
by Notorious P.A.T. December 12, 2008
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