10 definitions by NotÞatGuy

133t5p34k for "you"

j - some languages use j for the y sound (as a consonant, not a vowel)
00 - 1337 for the digraph oo which makes the sound /u /
"l0l I h4k j00!!!!1!!!11!1111!!!11!11!!!"
by NotÞatGuy March 19, 2023
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Those stupid YT bots that copypaste this Spanish sentence and add an inappropriate link.
Bendiciones hermosa Celina... vyn.Monster encantan tus videos.
by NotÞatGuy July 20, 2022
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(n) the act of attempting to create numbers larger than absolute infinity (emphasis on attempting) aka the worst thing to have ever met the internet, especially despised on Our World of Text (OWOT), a text canvas and chat site
cringe fger: "fictional googology is the best thing in the world!!!11!!!"
based owot anti-fger: "NO."
cringe fger: "yes it is"
based owot anti-fger: "screw you anti-fger, the biggest number is absolute infinity"
cringe fger: "uhh no it's t.r.u.e. .e.n.d. .o.f. .e.n.d.s. .o.f. .t.e.r.m.i.n.u.s.f.i.n.i.t.y. .X._.X." 🤓
based owot anti-fger: "fuck off | fg 💩🤮"
by NotÞatGuy July 30, 2023
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