4 definitions by Nivek

A person that requires very little sleep. Fueled by caffeine, nicotine and crude humor. Often working 6-12 days straight without off time. Thrives in bad weather and drives into it while others drive away, Enjoys listening to people complain about their 9-5 jobs and how their hours are to hard.
Oh you crashed your car into a ditch at 3am in the snow? Don't worry call the Tow Truck Driver, they never sleep anyways.
by Nivek November 4, 2017
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A sock that a person with a mental disorder uses to store their feces in, presumably to prevent acquisition of the feces by another party, which will presumably use it to effect some negative result on the poopsock.
Please don't eat that for it is MY poopsock.
by Nivek May 10, 2005
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