3 definitions by Never Heard Of Sleep Before

Ah, the belt.
Now, this bitch is used by your black mom. If you talk back or touch the food before dinner is ready or anything of that sort, you get the belt. Thick belt or a soft thin one. Sometimes you get lucky and she lets you choose. You better choose the rip off thin soft one. Only an idiot would choose the thick leather one. That's how you know you boutta die.

Some Hispanics or arabics or Asians get the belt to. But, Hispanics and arabics get the sandal. Asians get the wooden spoon.

Sometimes, mama gon ask your SIBLINGS to get the belt.
Fortunately for you, if your the sibling, u get to listen to ur other siblings being beaten. It sounds painful.
"Omfg bro...my sister got the belt last night."
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Yak is slang for many words. Used to express hunger, or do Describe yourself or someone else as annoying or if someone looks like a mess. Like a HOT mess. Also, you can use it as a way to ask someone if they are joking.
"Omg, you look so yak rn!"
"Ok, dude I'm yakin' rn can we get McDonald's?"
"His girlfriend is so yak. I literally can't deal with her any longer."
"No way! You're yakin' right..."
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