2 definitions by Netoskii18

Emefa- the name of a person who has a really cool brother
Zanéto: How are you
Emefa: I guess I can say tuko....
by Netoskii18 February 26, 2023
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This is a Ghanaian word to describe a midgetized, mean, arrogant yet beautiful, ebony female. It's mostly used to describe annoying girls who run like pussies to be honest, however, their Togolese brothers are quite attractive...wink wink.
Zaneto: Emilia, please help me eith MY pen.
Emilia: Why don't you get your skinny legs up and get it yourself. I'm not your slave bro!
Zaneto: Oh my days, why are you such an emefaskiskiski
by Netoskii18 August 20, 2023
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