3 definitions by Neeky Gerd

Used when someone makes an incorrect calculation to point out their mistake/make fun of them. Comes from Big Shaq's legendary FITB. Also stylized as quick mafs.
1: "1500 times 10 over 50 that's what... 3000?"
2: "Quick maths"
by Neeky Gerd January 27, 2020
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When someone leaves in the midst of a peaceful text conversation. No arguing is going on, the person just stops texting back, usually leaving the other party pissed off. Often linked with conversation walling.
Person 1: So how was your day today?
Person 2: Great!
Person 1: Did you get to visit your aunt?
*no reply*
Person 1: Textleaving, fuckhead?
by Neeky Gerd February 18, 2015
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Person 1: Sup man?
Person 2: Just playin my green trombone, he he.
by Neeky Gerd February 19, 2015
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