19 definitions by My10InchHandle

This is when you slap someone strongly with your insanely trained, jacked and contracted arm.
"Hey! Take this Lucesoli Slap!"
by My10InchHandle January 10, 2023
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A Filipino word originated in Spain, often used to indicate the vast villas owned by rich Spanish.

This word can also be used as a last name of any person from Spain or Philippines, in contrast, when Villacentino is used for last names, it is not referring to richness. Instead it would tell you that the person is always trying very hard for everything, such as subjects, girls or sports.
Sophia:"That Spanish guy owns 10 villas, he is such a Villacentino."

Mary:"What is his last name?"
Mary:"Wow, he must be trying hard right now."
by My10InchHandle January 10, 2023
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.spuoɔǝs ʍǝⅎ ⅎo ɹǝʇʇɐɯ uᴉ sǝᴉɹoʅɐɔ 0005 ƃuᴉɹnoʌǝp ʇnoqɐ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻɹǝʍod ʇnoqɐ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻǝʌᴉɹp ʇnoqɐ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻʇɐoƃ ǝʇnʅosqɐ ǝɥʇ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻuɐᴉʅɐɹʇsn∀ ʎʅʅɐnʇɔɐ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ ɹǝʇⅎɐ pǝɯɐu ǝʅdoǝd ⅎI .zzᴉɹ ⅎo ʇoʅ ɐ ƃuᴉʌɐɥ ǝʅᴉɥʍ ʅʅǝɥ ƃuᴉʞɔnⅎɹǝɥʇoɯ ɐ sɐ ɥsɐɹʇ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻǝsǝnƃʇnɹoԀ ʎʅʅɐnʇɔɐ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ ɹǝʇⅎɐ pǝɯɐu ǝʅdoǝd ⅎI .spuǝᴉɹⅎ sᴉɥ sɯʅǝɥʍɹǝʌo ɥɔᴉɥʍ zzᴉɹ ɥɔnɯ ooʇ sɐɥ ʎʅdɯᴉs ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ pǝɯɐu ǝɹɐ oɥʍ ǝʅdoǝd ɔᴉʇsǝɾɐɯ ʻǝɯɐu uɐᴉʅɐɹʇsn∀-ǝsǝnƃnʇɹoԀ ʅɐɔᴉdʎꓕ
Francisco Fernandes:"Even being upside down won't stop me from pulling all the girls."
by My10InchHandle January 13, 2023
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