9 definitions by My Dixie Wrecked

WWII troop slang for military bureaucratic bullshit. The word implies that the regulations in question are so silly and trifling that they don't measure up to the level of bullshit. Subsequently, the word came to be merely an intensification of the epithet chicken.
In life and death matters, soldiers relied on their common sense and ignored the chickenshit regulations their superiors foisted upon them whenever possible.
by My Dixie Wrecked November 26, 2003
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The adjective form of testicle is testicular. The phrase should be "testicular fortitude".
I just met a guy who can't tell the difference between a noun and an adjective. It takes a lot of testicular fortitude to display your ignorance in public like that.
by My Dixie Wrecked November 26, 2003
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