31 definitions by Mugwump

LATENT is the same as closet queen.
A repressed homosexual,someone who is
secretly gay but pretends to be straight.
They may have sex with women but prefer to fuck the arse.
There once was a fellow called hunt,
who liked doing girls back to front,
it was blatently clear
hs was latently queer
cause went up the arse not the cunt
by Mugwump November 16, 2004
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1.A vagina
2.A cretinous person
3.To strike someone(this definition is almost certainly of Northern English origin)
"Go on TWAT 'im,TWAT the cunt.
by Mugwump November 13, 2004
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A member of the Texan psychedelic punk band called THE BUTTHOLE SURFERS, that made some awesomely weird records in the 1980s.
Locust abortion technician,Hairway to steven,Electric Larryland.
by Mugwump November 13, 2004
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A hippie.In particular,one of the type who is concerned with health and green issues,a cosmic type.
"Don't go to totnes it's full of yogurts."
by Mugwump November 11, 2004
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A casual dresser,someone who wears casual clothes.Was in use more in the 70s 80s.
They drove ford cortinas or capris,and lived a straight life.
Look at that tosser kevin,he's such a smoothie.
by Mugwump November 16, 2004
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The same as MOUTHY.When someone talks too much,too loudly, or uses boastful or slanderous talk then they are GOBBY or GOBBING OFF.
"That GOBBY cunt,I told him to stop GOBBING OFF about me but in the end I had to twat him.
by Mugwump November 13, 2004
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American in origin.Can mean COOL or be an expression of approval.
Alternativley an expression of contempt.
"Cool man that jazz sounds LOWDOWN."
Or negative.
"You lowdown cotton pickin'son of a bitch."
by Mugwump November 11, 2004
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