3 definitions by MrMister

The act of purposefully spalshing someone with acid with malicious intent. A medical term, not in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
'Two Face was clearly vitriolized.'
'Vitriolage or not, it was obviously hybrobromic acid.'
by MrMister April 29, 2006
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The act of purposefully splashing someone with acid with malicious intent. A medical term, not in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
"Dude, Two Face was vitriolized."
"Vitriolage or not, it was clearly hybrbromic acid."
by MrMister May 10, 2006
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Gome, the two word go home as one word, the word originated when I use to tell my friends to go home when the got on my nerves when we were younger but now it's an inside joke for the world to share
Friend: you have the big gay

Me: you're a poopy head
Friend: I fucked you mother

Me: gome
by MrMister May 24, 2021
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