2 definitions by Mr Printer

Noun. Clout-Chaser: A person that will be in a constant state of needing attention on the internet. Clout-Chasers Will go to any extremes they must to get internet fame, even if it causes disruption, deaths, and severe consequences. Clout-Chasers will attempt to get what is called "Clout", aka Internet fame.
1. "Wow, that's a desperate Clout-Chaser."
2. "This Clout-Chaser is so dumb look at this bro."
3. "A Clout-Chaser was sentenced to jail for robbing somebody because it was "Trendy"."
by Mr Printer July 22, 2019
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Person 1: What does being Gay mean?
Person 2: Your mom.
by Mr Printer September 5, 2019
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