1 definition by Mo Mommamama

- being pro at computer games
- owning noobs at wc or cod
- listenin to music that isnt emo
- drinking pepsi, gatorade, or water. (nothing else allowed!)
- being black but acting white
- thinking bout a girl called alyssa, liz, nicole, or emily (no one else allowed!) These aren't friends, these are names of girls you think of when you are owndering
- pretending to write an english project but actually talkin to ur friend
If you are playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on XBOX 360 or PlayStation 3, you will be crushing noobs with a massively massive positive kill - to - death ratio.
If you are supposed to be doing something for school specifically for an English Class and you decide to Chat with friends, then you are owndering.
If you play Warcraft III not World of Warcraft and you have forgotten how to lose a game, because you have constantly won games. Then you are Owndering.
by Mo Mommamama March 16, 2008
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