2 definitions by Mizumaki Simura - Cusa1412

A chat room chick who is awesome and seems to be an anime character. An Oc, who trolls and if encountered should be treated as if she was a guy. Rare sightings of this creature have been reported on chat rooms as terrifying hilarious and annoying. Usually vms, and is sometimes referred to as vm queen. Also does not do drugs but gets very hyper.
Mizumaki Simura is so annoying!

Don't be a mizumaki

Everyone loves a mizumaki Simura!

Oh hail the vm queen!
by Mizumaki Simura - Cusa1412 December 24, 2012
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The lesbian equivalent of a beard.
A male who is used by a female who is either lesbian, asexual, or bisexual -to go out with and perform couples activities to appear straight. Sometimes even used for marriage.
Carol: OMG Did you hear Maggie got married last summer?
Karen: No? I thought her parents didn’t approve of Kelly.
Carol: Oh, they don’t, she married their mutual friend Adam as a skirt .

Karen: Ohhhh, that makes sense, he’s gay anyways. So she’s a beard now?
by Mizumaki Simura - Cusa1412 December 29, 2017
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