22 definitions by MissNeona

Rule 42 states it's whatever is in your mind, so maybe don't project all those negatives, Nancy.
by MissNeona May 18, 2022
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When you know something is out of your league/capabilities, so you self-deselect before engaging in the activity.
"I'mma going to have to predderp on that activity, it's not my thing. I'd rather not cancel later."
"Oh man, math makes me feel like such a predderp."
by MissNeona December 11, 2022
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Dark, sinister, occultic, typically seen as villainous, but more the archetype of orks and crows, but more of an aesthetic than a behaviour.
I was going for an orchcro shaman, kind of witchdoctory.
by MissNeona February 24, 2023
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The spin-starter. Beginning of something cyclical. Perpetual motion creator.
As the rotasator was initiated, the machine hummed with life.
by MissNeona March 29, 2022
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They felt spun around like a rotorotor, the author of radar solos to wow mom.
by MissNeona March 29, 2022
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It felt like it would never stop, she was spining for reverever and would be sick if the ride didn't stop.
by MissNeona March 29, 2022
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Pro-opportunity to prop up or proposition an idea.
To proporp a different plan, maybe a movie? Or anything but bowling...
by MissNeona March 29, 2022
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