16 definitions by MikeSoussan

FEARUS: noun, a sense of intense fear, fright and anxiety caused by anticipation of contagion by coronavirus, resulting in disproportionate and irrational individual and group reaction.
In every pandemic that hits’us, the fearus is worse that the virus.
by MikeSoussan April 14, 2020
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To have a "hockey stick moment" is what happens when the compound consequences of your past bad decisions come down to bear on your life in catastrophic manner. A hockey stick is the shape that a representation graph makes when growth happens exponentially instead of just regularly or arithmetically.
"my wife is having an affair, my girlfriend is pregnant, my business is going bankrupt, my daughter is having her anus tattooed, I am losing my hair and three of my teeth fell off last week ... I am having a hockey stick moment brother ...
by MikeSoussan December 15, 2015
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