2 definitions by Mike & Shane

The act of creating or delivering a humorous response or observation which results in the defamation in character or lower credibility of a person, place or object. The humorous comment typically would cause anger or sadness for any person that such comment was directed to. Ergo, causing a zing or burn type feeling resulting in possible depression and or lower feeling of self worth. Zingus has a lineage with its not so distante cousin zinger. In many circles, zingus is revered as the more modern day version of zinger.
"Did you see the shirt Kate is wearing?" - person A

"Yeah, it looks like it was handcrafted by the homeless" - person B

"Mission control to planet zingus! We have lift off!" - person A
by Mike & Shane March 1, 2006
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The act of creating or delivering a humorous response or observation which results in the defamation in character or lower credibility of a person, place or object. The humorous comment typically would cause anger or sadness for any person that such comment was directed to. Ergo, causing a zing or burn type feeling resulting in possible depression and or lower feeling of self worth. Zingus has a lineage with its not so distant cousin zinger. In many circles, zingus is revered as the more modern day version of zinger.
"Did you see the shirt Kate is wearing?" - person A

"Yeah, it looks like it was handcrafted by the homeless" - person B

"Ground control to Major Zingus, we have lift off!" - person A
by Mike & Shane March 3, 2006
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