3 definitions by Michael Smith

To get on with your day in a fast manner. If you're in a rush you may use this expression.
Sorry mate can't stop for lunch because I've got to feed the cows.
by Michael Smith December 15, 2017
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Used when you have no idea what the true word is for the object in question, often used when stoned and unable to recall the proper word, used in particular when the object referred to is obvious and its name is not important to reference it or when its simply humurous to drop the name. Sometimes used to buy time while you remember the real name.
Speaker: "Hey pass me that samafram so I can tighten this lug nut."
Speaker: "Dont bogart that samafram."
Speaker: "Your samafram is loose."
Speaker: "Can you pick up some samafram at the store? Some of the red stuff?"
by Michael Smith June 19, 2006
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One who "temps".....
(Dude1):Oh she is suck a cock tease.

(Dude2): Yes she is a Temptist
by Michael Smith February 28, 2005
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