17 definitions by Maxgamer345

The worst Gen Z slang to ever exist. This slang is used by a bunch of Hot Cheeto girls because they have no father whatsoever and just use slang that no one knows what it means.
Person 1: *does something cool*
Hot Cheeto girl: OMG SLAYYY QUEEN!!
Person 2: *dies from cringe*
by Maxgamer345 July 13, 2023
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Person 1: I was walking the other day and I saw a... uhh.. a Zipperdude. Can you believe it I saw this really big Zipperdude!
Person 2: What's a Zipperdude? What are you talking about? What is it?
Person 1: It's not anything. It doesn't have a definition.
Person 2: You can't use a word that doesn't have a definition!
by Maxgamer345 September 27, 2023
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Roblie - Short for Roblox Kids who are kids who use unfunny humour and play roblox all day.
Roblox Kid: Skibidi toilet smurf cat ohio roblox

Person: Roblies are annoying
by Maxgamer345 October 22, 2023
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