4 definitions by Matt Stazjic

When you're taking a dump and your butt flexes forcing the poop to retract into your butthole causing the sensation of sandpaper going up your butt.
"Man I hate it when I have a sandy turd flex (STF) in the bathroom"
by Matt Stazjic February 5, 2016
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"Ben Safos is a turd humper"
by Matt Stazjic February 5, 2016
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When you stretch out your entire body out to your toes and then it makes your penis feel good so you get a boner
" I hate when I boner stretch right before the teacher calls me up to the white-board"
by Matt Stazjic February 5, 2016
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When you stretch out your entire body out to your toes and then it makes your penis feel good so you get a boner
" I hate when I boner stretch right before the teacher calls me up to the white-board"
by Matt Stazjic February 5, 2016
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