2 definitions by Marshmallow gal

Worst place in the USA (it would be the worst place in the world but North Korea exists). A school filled with wannabes, boomers, idiots, and crazy tyrant popular girls. Doesn't teach us a thing, except to shut up and listen to there boring lectures about how dumb we are. Mean teachers, brainless zombie kids, popular girl vampires, that one kid working for the FBI, locker 1324 is a secret portal to an alien warship, and worst of all *shudder* vScO giRLs!
by Marshmallow gal April 29, 2020
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A big fat chubby guy that sneaks down your chimney in a too tight red jump suit hoping to steal your cookies. Santa may be old now but back then he was quite the chick magnet.
Santa is a human too!
by Marshmallow gal January 3, 2020
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