6 definitions by Mark Zuckerburg not lizard

A mix between propaganda, prison, and education. If you don’t go, you can get arrested. The food sucks, and you have to pay for it. I don’t see why you have to pay when they get money from taxes. Also, you are forced to go to school, so then why should you pay for something you are forced to do?
by Mark Zuckerburg not lizard March 12, 2019
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Name used to describe people who are distant, and rarely appear in group chats.
by Mark Zuckerburg not lizard March 13, 2019
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information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Useful way to make people do what you want


When ur mom takes away poop sock
Billy: My mum is mad at me

Bob: Why?

Billy: She was mad at me just cause I “launched a nuclear missile that can blow up the earth”

Bob: I don’t see why she’s mad at you

Billy: I know right, she even took my xbox away

Bob: Sounds like propaganda to me
by Mark Zuckerburg not lizard March 12, 2019
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Word for an epic fight, typically referring to shaggy fighting other gods such as Matt, Shrek, etc.
Did you see that Skidaddle Skadoodle last night?
by Mark Zuckerburg not lizard March 12, 2019
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