1 definition by Mark Reaves

Metrowog is a combination of the words Wog and Metrosexual. The term Wog refers to anyone who rejects the teachings of Scientology and chooses instead to live in the 'Real World (a.k.a. Wog-World).' Someone who strives to retain individuality, resists being hypnotized by mass media, and helps others.

The term Metrosexual refers to a straight man who embraces the homosexual lifestyle, i.e. refined tastes in clothing, excessive use of designer hygiene products, etc.

So, the term Metrowog refers to a man who may enjoy shopping, be refined and cares greatly for his hygiene but also doesn't mind getting outdoors and into tough situations. A Metrowog also resists advertisements and thinks for himself. A Metrowog can survive in both the wilderness and in a famous store during a major sale.
John is such a Metrowog, he can get in and out of a crowded store just as good as he can find food in the wild.
by Mark Reaves May 11, 2008
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