1 definition by Mandy Kimple

Although this word is most often associated with food, beverage, profanity and sex. Abstinence is a deliberate conduct and runs rather parallel to the words indulge, gluttony and hoarding. Something negated is still something indeed. Keeping to the school of thought that the mind fails to register the words no or not(or its variations), Do not think of pink elephants!.. All three are characterized by excess and culpability. One can not and does not abstain from what one does not internally seeks(to avoid what one seeks is abstinence).
Clinton's abstinence from Monica's lips were in part due to her oral report on the lengthy wood project she undertook beneath his desk. As for me it is not an issue as I do not know her and have never had the privilege.
by Mandy Kimple November 20, 2015
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