2 definitions by Malabarista

Stands for "Alpha Male Of The Group" a term used by PUA to describe male obstacles when picking up women.

Popularized by the book detailing the life called "The Game" by Style (Neil Strauss)
"Hey man, I need you to distract or neutralize the AMOTG of that 4 set..."
by Malabarista November 7, 2021
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The expression 'lo and behold' is an idiomatic phrase used to express surprise, amazement, or astonishment at the sudden appearance or discovery of something unexpected. It is often used to introduce a surprising or unexpected turn of events in a story or narrative.

The phrase 'lo and behold' adds a sense of excitement and emphasis to the surprise or unexpected event being described, making it a commonly used expression in storytelling, anecdotes, and everyday conversations.
"He was working on a challenging math problem for hours, and then, lo and behold, he finally cracked the solution."
by Malabarista July 23, 2023
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