1 definition by MacAndCheeseInMyAss4/20/2019

A person who is daddy material, their hot/cute as hell and charming as fuck, but they have clinical depression or are just sad very often
A term created by the one and only Kaia Dariel Spiesz (thats me lmao ) (the phrase is copyrighted though, jk lol, anyone can use it)
Example 1- Person A: "Wow, damn, Kaia is such a saddy daddy"
Example 2- Person B: " I dont have a daddy kink but you can be my daddy tonight lmao ;)"
Person C: "heh heh but im too sad to be ur daddy, gurl"
Person B:"Well, you know what, you could be my saddy daddy, darling ( ͡°👅 ͡°)"
by MacAndCheeseInMyAss4/20/2019 January 20, 2019
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